This article aims to enable a better understanding of the design and implementation of demand-side programs developed in middleincome countries documented by the World Bank through UNICO, with a focus on the progress achieved in identifying beneficiary populations and
separating financing from provision. The article concludes that these programs increased insurance coverage and often also the utilization of key health services. However, their design and implementation faced challenges. The split between financing and provision remained incomplete, since in most cases a large share of the funds financing public providers remain supply-side subsidies and not the funds provided by these demand-side programs. Other challenges remain such as weaknesses in the design of benefit packages and provider payment mechanisms, in the autonomy of providers, in the quality of care, and in ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of these programs.
Para citas:
Bonilla-Chacin, ME and Rathe, Magdalena. 2018. UNICO: Demand-side Strategies for Universal Coverage. World Hospitals and Health Services – Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Making progress towards the 2030 targets Vol. 54 No. 1.
Palabras clave: financiamiento en salud, cuentas de salud, sistemas de salud.